How the JBACE operates

The JBACE operates using a consensus decision-making process. All positions, documents and other products of the committee are adopted by all three parties.
JBACE members meet in person at least four times a year, with one of these meetings being held in the Territory. Additional meetings may be necessary for major issues. Minutes are produced following each meeting.
Next meetings:
- 234th meeting: Week of November 11, 2024, Gatineau
- 235th meeting: Week of March 17, 2025, Montréal
Between meetings, members work on specific issues within subcommittees. The subcommittees are made up of one member appointed by each party and their work is supported by Secretariat staff. They conduct analysis, draft briefs, letters and other interventions, as well as recommending courses of action to the full committee when necessary. External resources may also participate in the work of the subcommittees when specific expertise is required.