Public Participation and Access to Information

COMEV, COMEX and COFEX-South may setup public information sessions and hearings for projects under assessments and reviews at any step during the Section 22 procedure.
Public hearings are common for certain projects subjected to reviews, when COMEX or COFEX-South study environmental and social impact statements, before making recommendations to the Administrators concerned. Although proponents may be requested by COMEV, COMEX or COFEX-South to participate in these sessions and hearings and to provide materials and documentation for them, these events do not replace the public engagement and participation initiatives that proponents should undertake on their own accord.
COMEV, COMEX and COFEX-South maintain project registers on their websites that host a wealth of information on the projects that they assess and review (ajouter les hyperliens). The MELCCFP also maintains a register which refers to the COMEV and COMEX websites.
In 2019, the JBACE published a guidebook entitled Best Practices Guidance for Project Proponents: Project-Related Public Participation and Engagement for Projects in the James Bay Territory. This guide contains additional information, as well as a detailed description of the Section 22 procedure and the entities involved.